CCDISCOVERY // nsulting and derogatory – scandal to Erdogan, drawing in the German exhibition
Insulting and derogatory – scandal to Erdogan, drawing in the German exhibition
A critical drawing, which shows the Turkish President, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, has thrown in an exhibition in Linz am Rhein, a scandal. The Turkish Consul General in Mainz, Sibel Müderrisoglu, have not asked the city of Linz, urgently, to show the image of the Kurdish artist Ali Zülfikar, because it was defamatory and derogatory for Erdogan and Turkey, said the mayor of Linz, Hans Georg Faust (CDU) on Tuesday.
Because of legal concerns, and concern about possible conflicts between Erdogan’s opponents and supporters that he had not asked the Cologne-based artist to present his work for the time being. It was pushed at the opening last Sunday of the Linz town hall to criticism. The artist stated that the work had been turned over to the wall – on the back he had attached to the words “Censored by the city of Linz”. Previously, the “Rhein-Zeitung had reported” about it.
With a sign “Censored by the city of Linz” brought the Cologne-based artist at the opening last Sunday, turned to the wall to
©Thomas Frey DPA Finally, the freedom of expression
wins The work of art shows Erdogan, according to Zülfikar, with a pair of glasses, a crying child as a Symbol for the war, and a detained opposition politician to reflect. In the Hand of Erdogan, holding a sacred book with their fingerprint. The bottom right stamp is the inscription “Erdo banana Republic”.
mayor Faust said the German press Agency, on Monday to him, assessments of the foreign office, and lawyers and the police. Accordingly, the drawing could be shown again – up to the exhibition at the end of the 18. November. It is about the freedom of art and freedom of expression.
bal / DPA